Recently I was watching TedTalks about "The Potter" a potter and how he changed his world and something just stuck with me. How the beauty of everyday life is a fundamental right. Where we spend our time, school, work place, walking down the street, and on to what we wear. I have to say this has been coming up more and more with me. How to change the world one place or one life at a time. I am convinced this is how we do it. I wish people could see where I live and how people around me live. If you could see you would understand why this issue of beautification is fundamentally stuck to me. I want more then anything to bring hope to the young people who live around me. It breaks my heart to see them suffer with out them even knowing why. They need a place where they feel safe and someone cares about them and how they live. In return I hope they will expand this idea back into there relationship with this city. I know its a lot to ask and it can only begin with someone like me.
There are times, in fact all the time when I think this it impossible, I am not enough. Then I think about this potter who changed his community and El Seed @elseedart
the calligrapher Graphite artist my Dance Teachers and fellow Guard Buddies, Friends and co-workers. They all inspire me they are my driving force when I feel small and in need of a push to greater things.
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